The WI Gets Hip

If you’ve 7 minutes to spare, have a listen to my City MA Radio Project, featuring none other than the world-renowned feminist and academic, Professor Germaine Greer.

NB. Best enjoyed with a cup of tea and a slice of Battenberg, as these were the circumstances in which it was conceived!

The Dalston Darlings Tea Tent at Field Day in Victoria Park, London 2011

96 years of ‘jam and Jerusalem’ is a hard act to follow for the Women’s Institute. But armed with cupcakes, hot pants and pedicures, it seems the WI is finally getting hip. Kirsty McQuire reports… 

It wouldn’t be the WI without a Victoria Sponge

3 responses to “The WI Gets Hip

  1. Never thought I’d hear Germaine Greer praise the W.I Very well crafted. You should be encouraged.

  2. So refreshing. I love it that Germain Greer thinks the WI are the way forward… Congratulations, Kirsty.

  3. Germaine Greer knits…hold the front page! Some fascinating insights here in Kirsty McQuire’s audio essay on an organisation that has always been so tempting to write off as a bit-part player in 1950’s Ealing comedies. Definitely a 21st century WI here with sushi-making classes; the urban “new wave” and the unforgettable “fanny patch” quilters? Len Tingle Political Editor BBC Yorkshire

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